Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gulu, The End

Tomorrow we leave Gulu.
It's been real.
I'll post more extensively about my last week here once we get to Kampala and I have more internet time.
I'm going to make a list of things I will miss about Gulu and things I will not miss about Gulu.

Things I will miss about Gulu:
- Walking to and from my compound and having people shout "Alissa" at me and waving
- The kids. Everywhere.
- How the kids have such an amazing time without any toys or outside entertainment.
- How excited people get when they hear me trying to speak Acholi

Things I will not miss about Gulu:
- Pit latrines
- Flies in the pit latrines
- Waking up to landmines being detonated every morning
- Riding on a boda-boda side-saddle on a dirt road

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. These landmines: are they being blown up intentionally by specialists or are they blowing up accidentally on people's legs?
